Role in the project
Established in 1928, Aarhus University (AU) has since developed into a major Danish university with a strong international reputation across the entire research spectrum. AU is a top ten university among universities founded within the past 100 years. AU has a strong commitment to the development of society that is realised through its collaboration with government agencies and institutions and the business community.
The Centre for Science Studies (CSS) is a research and teaching unit within the Faculty of Natural Sciences. CSS has strong competencies in science communication, citizen science and the history and philosophy of science. CSS currently leads research projects dealing with citizen science, public understanding of science, philosophy of science, sociology of science, and environmental history. CSS runs a Master's program in science studies (which includes citizen science components) as well as a Master's course on citizen science and is responsible for teaching philosophy of science courses to all bachelor students and research integrity to all PhD students at the Faculty.
AU is one of the Front Runners in the TIME4CS project due to its experience in citizen science, in studying citizen science, and in providing courses on citizen science.
AU leads Work Package 4 (WP4) and tasks 4.1, 4.2 and 4.4 on creating training program content (4.1), designing workshops for researchers and other members of staff on RRI and specifically on CS (4.2), and establishing the strategy for consolidation and exploitation of the capacity-building activities (4.4).
AU also supports tasks 1.2 Associating the analysis with consortium universities; 1.3 Building the TIME4CS knowledge base framework; 2.1 Development of the roadmap framework for assuring institutional change in Citizen Science; 2.2 Tailoring the roadmaps for the consortium implementing organisations; 3.2 Knowledge transfer from Front-Runners to Implementers; 3.3 Mentoring Programme; 4.3 Webinars for researchers and other members of staff; 5.3 Data analysis and impact assessment; 6.4 Stakeholder and outreach events and organization of the final event; 7.1 Project Coordination: contractual, financial and quality; 7.2 Project meetings; and 7.3 Data Management.
Gitte Kragh
Kristian Hvidtfelt Nielsen
For more information about Aarhus University visit international.au.dk