Upcoming events.

Empowering Research Organisations with Citizen Science
Good practices, funding success and beyond. A TIME4CS event organised in collaboration with Crowdhelix.

INCENTIVE – TIME4CS Joint Final Conference – Grounding CS in Research Institutions: Science with and for Citizens
The two H2020 sister projects INCENTIVE and TIME4CS join forces again to deliver their Joint Final Conference. The Conference will be a landmark event for the sustainability and legacy of the two projects and will take place on the 1st of November, at the University of Twente in the Netherlands. Save the date!

Citizen Science and Artificial Intelligence Technologies: Collaborating for an Innovative and Unbiased Future
“Citizen Science and Artificial Intelligence Technologies” is an online webinar that aims to bring together the power of citizen participation and the potential of emerging technologies.
In this era of rapid technological advancements, citizen science provides a unique opportunity to engage individuals from diverse backgrounds in scientific research and innovation. By involving citizens in data collection, analysis, and problem-solving, we can tap into the collective intelligence of the crowd, accelerating scientific discovery and fostering a deeper understanding of our world…. Read more

INCENTIVE and TIME4CS EU Policy Roundtable
Policymakers are often called to find a balance between innovation policies and choices that prioritise sustainability and citizens’ quality of life. These two aspects shall coexist in order to build a desirable future. To that end, Citizen Science is increasingly regarded as a democratic and inclusive way of doing science, with citizens and stakeholders becoming active players in the scientific process.
The INCENTIVE and TIME4CS projects have experimented in this direction over the last three years, supporting the institutionalisation of Citizen Science in a range of pilot Research Performing and Funding Organisations, through Citizen Science Hubs and Grounding Actions.
As the two projects are coming to an end, a Joint Policy Roundtable be held on the 18th of September in Brussels, in the REA Building (COV2 Building, Room 4-15 A2), in Place Rogier 16.
Participants coming from the general public who would like to attend virtually can register for the event here.

CS Hubs explained: needs, resources, best practices
This webinar is a combined effort of the TIME4CS and INCENTIVE projects.
The objective of the webinar is to have a discussion on the need for one or more Citizen Science Institutional Contact Points (CS-ICPs) inside Research Performing Organisations (RPOs). Firstly, participants will be provided with a detailed description of what CS-ICP is, how it should be structured, what are the resources needed, who should take care of – and work for – it. Then, they will be given examples of different RPOs organisational structures and governances, which do include a CS Hubs.

ECS Cluster Event 2023
The TIME4CS partners will be joining the ECS Cluster Event 2023 and will lead one of the co-creation activities focusing on the co-production of the TIME4CS statement. Join them during this event which will take place on the 3rd of july.
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What transformations are needed for research institutes to support citizen science?
The process of integrating citizen and community science within research institutions and universities is full of challenges and opportunities. This webinar, from the European TIME4CS and INCENTIVE projects, explores lessons learned from a range of institutions and their experiences, from our symposium on the topic at the CSA’s C*Sci conference in May 2023, and from webinar participants on the day. Participants have the opportunity to hear about and discuss potential strategies for embedding citizen science within institutions. Read more

Opening research to society in Horizon Europe. How to set up citizen science projects?
Open Science is a core strategy of the European Commission that involves widening participation and collaboration as well as sharing research processes and outcomes to improve research and innovation. The collaborative and inclusive characteristics of Open Science allow all social actors to engage in scientific processes, including through citizen and participatory science.This webinar will provide an overview of citizen science as part of the Open Science strategy and present how citizen science projects are set up within that framework. Participants will have the opportunity to interact with speakers and get first-hand information on how to effectively integrate citizen science in research methodology and what aspects to take into account in the proposal development. Read more

Monitoring and evaluating the impact of Citizen Science Hubs (CSHs)
The webinar is a combined effort of the INCENTIVE and the TIME4CS projects. During the webinar, participants will have the opportunity to dive into aspects of monitoring and evaluating the impact of Citizen Science Hubs, including (i) a step-by-step approach to how to create an M&E framework to assess the impact of the Hubs; (ii) an evaluation approach to monitor and evaluate the impact of the institutional changes made by Research Performing Organisations that aim to lead to a better and more effective engagement of citizens in research. Furthermore, (iii) a guest speaker from the MICS project will guide the participants through the MICS impact assessment tool and its utilities … Read more

C*Sci 2023 - The Citizen Science Association conference
The TIME4CS partners will be joining the C*Sci 2023. APRE, Aarhus University and UCL will be sharing their expertise in a joint symposium on What transformations are needed for research institutions to support citizen and community science?. Join them during this session which will take place in the afternoon of … Read more

Ethical aspects of Citizen Science: good practices and institutional interventions
This webinar will provide participants with a specific Citizen Science (CS) case study, which implies different levels of ethical and legal challenges, including GDPR compliance and various ethics dimension (i.e. research integrity, gender perspective, open access, public engagement, etc.). JoinUs4Health will present the project's methodology and the case study as a whole, highlighting the most sensitive aspects of its implementation to focus the participants’ attention on the needed interventions. … read more

Citizen science in the dialogue between science and society
Citizen science has the potential to bring together science, policy makers, and society as a whole in an impactful way. In this process, communication is key.
But what do we mean by “communication”?
In this webinar we will explore how dialogical and participatory communication, where all parties are actively involved, is strategic both for research and for society.
We will take a journey through science in recent decades to grasp its rapid and incredible transformations and understand how … Read more

Our colleague Rosy Mondardini will be leading a session on “Long term impact: 29 recommendations on how to institutionalise CS in your institution” at the CitSciHelvetia 2023.
CitSciHelvetia is the Swiss Citizen Science Conference. CitSciHelvetia connects Swiss stakeholders in Citizen Science and participatory research in general, promoting the exchange of experiences and shared learning between the three language and cultural regions. It serves as the platform for professional exchange with Science et Cité hosting the second Swiss Citizen Science Conference.
For more information about the conference please follow this link.

The Citizen Science Funding Landscape
This event will provide participants with an overview of different funding opportunities for Citizen Science projects, on a national and international scale. The event will consist of a discussion with representatives of different funding sources at local, national and international level to discuss similarities and highlight specificities between the different approaches.
By attending this event, participants will have the opportunity to ….

Responsibility in research & innovation. Challenges for the biosciences and future policies - ResBios Final Conference
The ResBios project would like to invite you to attend their final conference: "Responsible research. Challenges for the biosciences and the policies", either in person in Brussels or online on December 7th.
At this conference, ResBios will share their key outcomes from the project, as well as inviting key speakers from related initiatives to share their thoughts on responsible bioscience research and innovation. The ResBios project will also be sharing its recently published manifesto on Responsible Bioscience and the Transformation of Science-Society Relations, as well as announcing the launch of the International Network for Responsible Bioscience …

ERC Annual Event 2022 - Citizen Science and Frontier Research
By sharing lessons learnt and best practices within and across scientific domains, the following challenges faced by both scientists and citizens will be addressed:
Participation and motivation: What are the main reasons for scientists to engage with citizens and for citizens to engage in science? How do participants benefit from their ….

Driving changes to embed Citizen Science at your institution
Join this TIME4CS online interactive workshop to learn how you can contribute to fostering the adoption of citizen science as research methodology within your organization through the use of institutional roadmaps.
You will have the chance to:
Discuss challenges and opportunities for citizen science in your institution
Learn about using institutional roadmaps as a tool for change
Co-create your own Grounding Action with the TIME4CS Reflection Tool! Hands-on session using our tool, designed to support the development of personalised action plans: reflect on the big vision for your organisation, identify relevant …..

REINFORCE-ing citizen science in large research infrastructures - Delivery of a policy roadmap
A key element of the REINFORCE project has been the development of a policy roadmap to support the take-up and integration of citizen-science projects in large research infrastructures. This online, open-classroom conference, which takes place as REINFORCE enters its final phase, will deliver this roadmap, look at the lessons learnt and provide key recommendations. A round-table, involving members of the project team with expertise in different areas (including research, policy, engagement and evaluation) will discuss relevant questions and highlight the role of important factors in the successful implementation of citizen-science projects in a scientific-research environment. The project feasibility and sustainability plan will also be presented, placing the project resources in the context of their exploitation in the longer-term…

Citizen Science community swap shop
TIME4CS, INCENTIVE and PRO-Ethics invite you to a CS community swap shop to share institutional barriers to citizen participation and (crucially!) find possible solutions.
The idea is simple: just check out our MIRO board and share barriers and solutions you have identified in your own experiences. The impact of this small and easy contribution is bigger than you might realise, as we are collectively building a resource that can be translated and shared widely. This means we definitely need you and welcome all inputs – also if you cannot participate in the meeting!

ECSA Conference 2022
The ECSA Conference 2022 invites researchers from all disciplines, scientists, practitioners, activists, funders, policymakers, non-governmental organizations, artists, and other interested citizens worldwide to reflect, discuss, and network on the topic of Citizen Science for Planetary Health.
Join our colleague Eugenia Vilarchao from the European Science Foundation as she will be presenting the TIME4CS project.
More information about the conference at: https://2022.ecsa-conference.eu/startseite.html

Austrian Citizen Science Conference 2022
TIME4CS partner ZSI – Center for Social Innovation will attend the 7th Austrian Citizen Science Conference and present the Time4CS project. The event is themed "Citizen Science - Why (actually) not?" and it is open to researchers from all disciplines and a wide range of institutional backgrounds, as well as to already active or future citizen scientists.
In a session on the 28th of June ZSI will present the four ….

Engaging Citizen Science Conference
TIME4CS will be present at the Engaging Citizen Science Conference organised by Aarhus University. This event will promote knowledge sharing among the citizen science community. The aim of the conference is to engage citizen science researchers, practitioners, and citizens in sharing research, ideas, and innovations in order to make the field thrive and expand. The conference will be interdisciplinary in scope, inviting workshops, dialogue roundtables, posters, and demos from all main areas of research (natural and technical sciences, life and health sciences, and social sciences and humanities).
For more information about the Engaging Citizen Science Conference and to register visit: https://conferences.au.dk/citsci2022/

The Role of Citizens in EU Missions Implementation
The TIME4CS consortium is delighted to invite you at the 1st Citizen Science Helix Event. This event is aimed at anyone interested in Citizen Science and in participating in a project targeting one of the forthcoming Mission Calls. This event will also touch on the institutionalisation of Citizen Science and will have a dedicated pitch sessions (short presentations from participants searching for partners) for the upcoming Mission Calls. Speakers include….

IA Workshop Series - Citizen Science Center Zurich
The second workshop on Knowledge Transfer from Front-Runners to Implementers will be led by the Citizen Science Center Zurich and will focus on two Research Intervention Areas (IA): Support Resources & Infrastructure and Policy & Assessment.
This serious of learning visits in TIME4CS are full day workshops which will be organized by each Front-Runner, with the participation of relevant teams and stakeholders of each organization depending on the Grounding Actions to discuss in each Intervention Area. To each learning visit, Implementers will be represented also by a member of the governance of the organization (in addition to TIME4CS project manager).

IA Workshop Series - University College London
The second workshop on Knowledge Transfer from Front-Runners to Implementers will be led by University College London and will focus on the Research Intervention Areas (IA).
This serious of learning visits in TIME4CS are full day workshops which will be organized by each Front-Runner, with the participation of relevant teams and stakeholders of each organization depending on the Grounding Actions to discuss in each Intervention Area. To each learning visit, Implementers will be represented also by a member of the governance of the organization (in addition to TIME4CS project manager).

IA Workshop Series - Aarhus University
First workshop on Knowledge Transfer from Front-Runners to Implementers will be led by Aarhus University and will focus on the Education Intervention Areas (IA).
This serious of learning visits in TIME4CS are full day workshops which will be organized by each Front-Runner, with the participation of relevant teams and stakeholders of each organization depending on the Grounding Actions to discuss in each Intervention Area. To each learning visit, Implementers will be represented also by a member of the governance of the organization (in addition to TIME4CS project manager).

UCC - Community Week
Our partner, Tyndall National Institute will be presenting TIME4CS during UCC Community Week.
This is a week long programme of free public and community events that celebrates community engagement with University College Cork across their campus and beyond.
To find out more about this event visit UCC Community Week.

ROSiE cross SwafS stakeholder Forum for responsible open science
TIME4CS will be presented by our Coordinator - APRE - at the kick of meeting of the ROSiE Cross-SwafS Stakeholder Forum for Responsible Open Science.
Find out more about the The ROSiE - Responsible Open science in Europe - H2020 funded project at: https://rosie-project.eu/

CS Track - Focus group discussions on policy related to Citizen Science
CS Track, an European Union’s Horizon 2020 funded project with the goal of providing a sound evidence base for Citizen Science in Europe, is organising a series of focus groups discussions In order to better tailor our work to the needs of our different stakeholders.
TIME4CS partners will be sharing their knowledge during a specific discussion aimed at those concerned with policy related to Citizen Science. These discussions will focus on two main topics, first of all the different categories of insights that various initiatives are working on providing related to citizen science and secondly, the means by which they are working to share the insights with the target stakeholder communities.
More about the CS Track project at: https://cstrack.eu/

Co-Creation meetings
The Implementers’ Roadmaps are meant as a living document describing a detailed and tailored action plan for each Implementer, defining the achievement of short-term goals (namely the Grounding Actions to carry out during the project lifetime) and providing the basis for the medium-long term development process (the Institutional Change). The Roadmaps will detail needs, goals, obstacles, resources, previous experiences and the timeframe for each Grounding Action. Each roadmap will co-produced with local stakeholders of the Implementers.
More specifically, each Implementer will organize at least three co-creation events with the actors involved in their implementation process. Each event will fall under a specific phase of TIME4CS methodology and it will therefore have different objectives and expected outcomes.
If you are interested in joining one of the Co-Creation meetings please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.