Role in the project
Crowdhelix is a pan-European Open Innovation Network that connects and enables research organisations, SMEs and industry to collaborate, innovate and grow. The Network has more than 450+ member organisations from 50 countries and is present in all EU Member State countries. The Network is set-up around thematic areas called “Helixes” (e.g. Open Science Helix, Society Helix, Digital Helix etc.), and is supported by a custom-built open innovation platform, where these virtual communities are hosted.
A Helix is a specialised community/cluster comprising experts and research & innovation professionals across academia and industry. The Crowdhelix platform consists of multiple thematic helixes, whose reach extends to 400,000+ research and innovation actors (across its members), and directly to 6,200+ users currently on the Crowdhelix platform.
The Crowdhelix Network is open to applications from any organisation, of any size, anywhere in the world, that can demonstrate a strategic commitment to collaborative research and innovation.
Crowdhelix is the leader of Work Package 6 - Dissemination, Communication and Exploitation. Using their open innovation platform, Crowdhelix will build a strong, self-sustaining community of like-minded stakeholders that will have access to updates on the project and collaborate with experts in their field of interest. The Citizen Science Helix will include researchers, exploiters, participants of previously funded H2020 projects and other relevant actors. This variety of stakeholders will cover all the project’s aspects, and will therefore guarantee continued interest from key actors, during and after the project.
Michael Browne
Rachel Harris
Andreea Petrea
Marine Desoche
For more information about Crowdhelix visit crowdhelix.com