Open Science is a core strategy of the European Commission that involves widening participation and collaboration as well as sharing research processes and outcomes to improve research and innovation. The collaborative and inclusive characteristics of Open Science allow all social actors to engage in scientific processes, including through citizen and participatory science.
This webinar will provide an overview of citizen science as part of the Open Science strategy and present how citizen science projects are set up within that framework. Participants will have the opportunity to interact with speakers and get first-hand information on how to effectively integrate citizen science in research methodology and what aspects to take into account in the proposal development.
The webinar is a combined effort of the TIME4CS, INCENTIVE and ECS projects.
To download the agenda follow this link.
More about our great speakers:
She has been involved in several EU funded projects and she is currently coordinating the H2020 project TIME4CS and the HE projects BlueRev and PATTERN.
Before joining ECSA, Claudia was part of the team of the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin organising the Citizen Science SDG Conference in October 2020 on citizen science’s contribution to framing and achieving the SDGs.