Citizen Science training to support institutional change
Training for CS is an important tool to raise awareness about CS among researchers, students, administrators, and managers of research performing organisations. Training means building capacity to facilitate new projects and organisational infrastructures to support CS. Training may support institutional change in a bottom-up process where individuals are motivated to take new initiatives and form new networks. Training also facilitates top-down processes whereby norms, procedures, protocols, and organisational aims change.
The TIME4CS project, in its WP4, focuses on building capacity in institutions by way of training activities. The first WP4 deliverable 4.1 describes twelve training modules that have been developed to support institutional change in each of the four Intervention Areas (IAs): Research, Education & Awareness, Support Resources & Infrastructure, and Policy & Assessment. The training modules builds on insights from the CS literature and an extensive mapping and analysis of existing training programs and resources performed in Task 4.1. Key concepts, capabilities, and infrastructures for more than 65 CS training programs and resources were identified and described as part of the analysis.
The TIME4CS training modules (TMs) are tailored to match the Grounding Actions (GAs) identified by the Implementers for each of the four IAs, see figures below. The three TMs for Research take aim at the many opportunities for embedding CS in research activities and policies. The three TMs for Education & Awareness will support actions that raise awareness of CS amongst researchers, students, managers and other RPO staff, and members of the public (incl. communities of citizen scientists). The three TMs for Support Resources & Infrastructure revolve around organisational structures to support CS, including support offices (contact points), funding for CS, and ethical and legal aspects of CS. Finally, the three TMs for Policy & Assessment are meant to provide researchers support officers, and managers with the necessary skills to develop CS strategies, assessment criteria, and mission statements regarding responsible research and innovation.
The TIME4CS TMs are a flexible training tool in the sense that they can be combined as desired by each of the implementers. WP4 is now proceeding to develop tailored training programs for each of the four Implementers. The training programs will be building on the TMs. They will be piloted at each of the four Implementer institutions during task 4.2 (workshops) and 4.3 (webinars) in order to assess the strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities of our approach.

Authors: Kristian H. Nielsen (AU)
Gitte Kragh (AU)